Teeth illness

Dental caries

It occurs as a consequence of the action of bacterial dental plaque that accumulates due to inadequate oral hygiene. Over time, to a greater or lesser extent, tooth tissue is destroyed. The resulting defects are disposed of by placing appropriate amalgam or composite fillings.

Sometimes, due to many causes, tooth disease can occur where the pulp is affected. These diseases are almost always accompanied by pain. It often seems to you that because of this the tooth is ready to be extracted and that it is the only medicine. However, endodontic treatment (treatment of the root canal) is usually necessary to remove infected, traumatized or dead pulp.
Ovo je izuzetno bitna terapijska procedura  koja omogućava da izlečite zub, rešite se bola I sačuvate svoj zub u ustima.

Remember, your new tooth will not go down after losing a permanent one.

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