Pediatric and preventive dentistry

The most you can do for your children's dental health is prevention.

Parents, the underlying tooth disease is dental caries..
The fight against caries is successful only if these three weapons are used together:


The strongest weapon is a toothbrush

Let her be your child's best friend. Good dental and oral hygiene is a basic weapon in the fight against caries. You must be trained in oral hygiene by a professional.
The questions are when and how and not whether you brushed your teeth.


Regular dental examination

For pediatric dentistry, the most important thing is a regular dental examination. For children up to the age of 12, every 4 months, it allows to check the quality of brushing teeth, possible carious lesions and to notice an orthodontic disorder in time.


Fissure sealing

Fisure are the deepest furrows on the teeth where food and plaque remains are collected, from which they are difficult to clean even with the best washing technique. That is why fissure filling is performed, a completely painless intervention that prevents the appearance of caries.

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